Artist Jessica Hargreaves Exhibits Allegorical Paintings at HVCC’s 教学画廊


Work by Artist Jessica Hargreaves

The Blindspot of an Old Dream, Paintings and Installation, opens 12月. 1

“The Blindspot of an Old Dream,” an exhibition of paintings and installation by New York City Artist Jessica Hargreaves, 打开周四, 12月. 1, with a reception from 4 to 6 p.m. in The 教学画廊 at Hudson Valley Community College. The reception, gallery hours and a subsequent artist’s talk (see below) are open free to the public. The 教学画廊 is located in the 政府 Building on the Troy campus.

Jessica Hargreaves’s paintings depict mundane, intimate and fraught human experiences through figurative and animal imagery placed in allegorical settings. Her style pays homage to familiar history paintings, but with added molded creatures – wild-eyed snakes, 老虎, seahorses and dogs – bulging out of the canvas and meandering the gilded frame. A menagerie also permeates her decorative, yet disquieting toile wallpaper. 弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin), 奥普拉•温弗瑞, 伊凡卡•特朗普, Beyoncé and other recognizable figures populate her paintings that depict both fantastical and realistic settings, or an unsettling hybrid of both. Hargreaves states that her directness and technique “bring humanity’s convoluted and emotional landscape into high relief.”

“Girls At the End of the World,” Hargreaves’ most recent series, features visions of heroines that combine news accounts of disaster and environmental destruction with exaggerated (and humorous) scenes of female empowerment. 不足为奇的是, the works blend art historical references to iconic works by Turner, 德拉克洛瓦, Bruegel and Tiepolo with feminist cliches and stereotyped, 漫画或者.

Along with two other artists, Hargreaves co-directs Mother-in-Law's, 一个实验, installation-based project space in Germantown (Columbia County). Other curatorial projects include 49.5, a 12-artist installation in 2020 at 601 Artspace in NYC. 自2010年以来, she has exhibited in numerous one-person and group exhibits throughout the greater NYC metropolitan area and beyond. Two posters she designed for the 2017 Women’s March in Washington, DC were acquired by the Museum of The City of New York.

Hargreaves was born and raised in London, and earned a Bachelor’s degree with honors in fashion and textile design at Central Saint Martins (University of the Arts London). After working in fashion and illustration in NYC, she received a Master of Fine Arts degree from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. She currently lives and works in NYC.

Hargreaves will discuss her work and career on Thursday, Feb. 2 in the Bulmer Telecommunications Auditorium at HVCC. The hour-long talk will begin at 3 p.m.

The 教学画廊 hours are 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 星期二,上午11点.m.-7 p.m. 星期三上午10点.m.-4 p.m. Thursday and Friday, noon-4 p.m. Saturday, and closed Sunday and Monday; admission is free. The exhibit spans HVCC’s holiday break and winter session, therefore the 教学画廊 will be closed 12月. 1月17日至1月17日. 16. For directions to the gallery and more information, visit

Exhibitions in The 教学画廊 are installed and assisted by students enrolled in Gallery Management courses and supported by the Department of Fine Arts, Theatre Arts and Digital Media, the 文化事务 Program and the HVCC 基金会. Associate Professor Tara Fracalossi is gallery director.


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